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Chuyên ngành Anh - Việt
routing table
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bảng truyền
Từ điển Anh - Anh
routing table

routing table

routing table (raut'ing tā'bəl) noun

In data communications, a table of information that provides network hardware (bridges and routers) with the directions needed to forward packets of data to locations on other networks. The information contained in a routing table differs according to whether it is used by a bridge or a router. A bridge relies on both the source (originating) and destination addresses to determine where and how to forward a packet. A router relies on the destination address and on information in the table that gives the possible routesin hops or in number of jumps between itself, intervening routers, and the destination. Routing tables are updated frequently as new or more current information becomes available. See also bridge, hop, internetwork, router.